
Cochrane Training

RevMan, short for "Review Manager," is a specialized software developed by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization focused on producing high-quality systematic reviews of healthcare interventions. RevMan is designed to assist Cochrane reviewers in the process of preparing, conducting, and reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It's a crucial tool for researchers, clinicians, and policy-makers who rely on evidence-based information to inform healthcare decisions.

Key Features of RevMan

  1. Review Creation: RevMan allows reviewers to create and manage systematic reviews, starting with the review protocol, which outlines the scope, objectives, methodology, and inclusion/exclusion criteria of the review.

  2. Data Extraction: Reviewers can input data extracted from relevant studies into RevMan. This includes information about study characteristics, outcomes, interventions, and results.

  3. Data Analysis: RevMan facilitates the process of conducting meta-analyses, where data from multiple studies are combined to produce summary estimates of treatment effects. It provides tools for calculating pooled effect sizes and confidence intervals.

  4. Forest Plots: The software generates forest plots, graphical representations that display the results of individual studies along with the pooled estimate. These plots help reviewers visualize the consistency and magnitude of treatment effects across studies.

  5. Risk of Bias Assessment: RevMan assists in evaluating the risk of bias in included studies by guiding reviewers through the assessment of study quality and potential biases.

  6. Textual Content: Reviewers can draft and edit the textual content of the systematic review, including background, methods, results, and conclusions.

  7. Comparison Tables: RevMan supports the creation of comparison tables that provide a clear overview of included studies, their characteristics, interventions, outcomes, and results.

  8. Publication Bias: The software often includes tools for assessing and addressing publication bias, which occurs when studies with certain results are more likely to be published than others.

  9. Protocol and Full Review Management: Reviewers can work on both the review protocol and the full review within the same software environment, ensuring consistency and efficient management of the entire review process.

  10. Exporting and Reporting: RevMan allows reviewers to export the data, results, and graphics generated during the review process. This information is often used to create comprehensive systematic review manuscripts for publication.

  11. Collaboration: Multiple reviewers can collaborate on the same review using RevMan, allowing for efficient division of tasks and real-time updates.

RevMan Web: RevMan Web is a version of Review Manager that is web-based, allowing for easier access and collaboration. It offers similar functionalities to the desktop version, enabling Cochrane reviewers to work on their systematic reviews from different locations and devices with an internet connection.

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